Saturday, 8 May 2010

Narrative Stages

There are 5 stages of narrative when creating a horror film.

stage 1:
a situation of equilibrium is clear

stage 2:
disruption to the equilibrium by something negative

stage 3:
an anagnorisis of sorts, trying to resolve the problem

stage 4:
attempt to fix the disruption, overcoming hurdles in order to do so

stage 5:
reaching a conclusion, fixing the issue and returning to a new equilibrium.

As our film is only the first 2 minutes of a horror film it showsonly the first and second stages. The equlibrium achieved at the beginning is when we see the character through the hedges, they are talking and laughing and are clearly unharmed. In order to challenge horror conventions we used a POV style filming to add an edge to the equlibrium, so whilst the characters are fine there is something weird or wrong about the image. The second stage, the disruption of the equilibrium is where we see footage of two girls running screaming through a forest. The swift change to this is effective as it scares the audience.

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